I know it's been a while since i've done any updating, however i promise you, it's for good reason! Not only am i now in full swing of Fall semester at University, but i've recently begun writing my very first novel. On top of all that i've been spending my days as a mum and girlfriend (while also sneaking in as many naps and NetFlix TV shows as i can.) Now that you're in the know, how about a post on what i plan on reading this weekend:

1. First, i'll be trying to finish up the last couple hundred pages i have left in The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. I am really quite obsessed with this read and can't wait to read more of Brown's work.

2. If i've got any other spare time, i'll be hoping to start Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness. The first book in this trilogy, A Discovery of Witches, was one of my favorite books of 2012. I am more than thrilled to continue on see what happens!
How about you? What are your #FridayReads?
Follow #FridayReads hashtag on Twitter. My handle: @hmmcw